• Small Business Loans

  • Bank of Colorado
    We know that our community is made of all types of businesses. That’s why we have solutions that can help you with all types of expenses. Our commercial loans can bridge your cash flow gaps; whether you’re starting a new business or you’re ready to expand.
    David Evens
    Branch President
    Office:  303-637-7111
    FAX:  303-637-7444
    Email:  David.Evens@Bankofcolorado.Com
    Address:  435 S 4th Avenue 
    Brighton, CO 80601
    Kevin Kildow
    Vice President
    Office:  303-655-0684
    FAX:  303-637-7444
    Email:  Kevin.Kildow@Bankofcolorado.Com
    Address:  435 S 4th Avenue 
    Brighton, CO 80601
    Guaranty Bank and Trust Company
    Practical advice, personalized solutions, and local decision-making are at the heart of Guaranty Bank and Trust's loan products for businesses. Let us help you find the right option for your business. With loan products tailored to meet your unique business needs, we can help you finance working capital or major expenditures such as new equipment, expansion, acquisitions or owner-occupied real estate.
    Angela Barber
    Vice President, Branch Manager
    Office: 303-675-1110
    Email: angela.barber@guarantybankco.com
    Address: 2707 E Bromley Ln,
    Brighton, CO 80601
  • Colorado Enterprise Fund

    1888 Sherman Street, Suite 530
    Denver, CO 80203
    (303) 860-0242

    Colorado Enterprise Fund lends to startups and existing small businesses throughout Colorado. Their small business loans (including our newest veteran loan program, VALOR) range from $1,000 to $500,000, with variable rates and terms. Their lending guidelines are more flexible than traditional banks and they review all aspects of your request in their decision-making process. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, marital status, disability, age, national origin or sexual orientation. Apply for a small business loan from us starting here.

    Official Website

  • Accion

    1441 18th St #150, Denver, CO 80202
    (303) 904-9362

    Accion is the largest nationwide nonprofit lending network in the United States. We provide fair and flexible loans, connections to business experts, and access to resources and opportunities specifically tailored to each business owner’s unique needs and goals.

    Official Website