Barr Lake State Park
- Non Profit Orginization
- Art and Entertainment
- Community Organizations
- Entertainment
- Event Space
- Fairs and Festivals
- Fitness
- Meeting Space
- Sporting Goods
- Summer Camp
Barr Lake State Park13401 Picadilly RoadBrighton, CO 80603(303) 659-6005303-655-1046 (fax)-
Bicyclists of all ages and abilities, nature hikers and horseback riders enjoy the level 8.8-mile multi-use trail that circles the lake, passing by several wildlife viewing stations and the park's wildlife refuge. More than 350 species of birds have been spotted in the park. Numerous bald eagles winter at Barr Lake and one pair stays to nest and raise its young every year. Barr Lake's Nature Center has displays about the park's wildlife and you can have your questions answered by a naturalist.
Fishing enthusiasts and boaters, including kayakers and canoeists, enjoy the lake's calm waters as powerboats are limited to electric trolling or gasoline motors 10 horsepower or less. Channel catfish, small and large-mouth bass, rainbow trout, walleye, bluegill, wiper and tiger muskie are among the species that inhabit the waters of Barr Lake -
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