• CANCELLED for January -Women 4 Women Alliance Networking Group

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    Name: CANCELLED for January -Women 4 Women Alliance Networking Group
    Date: January 9, 2024
    Time: 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM MST
    Registration: Register Now
    Event Description:

    The Women 4 Women Alliance is a Greater Brighton Chamber of Commerce membership group. Any Chamber member in good standing has the opportunity to join the Women 4 Women Alliance.  There is no additional cost to be a member of the Women 4 Women Alliance.

    Mission: To provide women business professionals with resources and activities that foster personal development and growth


    • Provide support and encouragement to  women in business

    • Provide a voice to women within the Chamber for issues in business

    • Host meetings and events that foster growth and relationship building

    • Participate in Annual Evolution Women’s Conference


    A prospective member of the Women 4 Women Alliance must be a member in good standing of the Greater Brighton Chamber of Commerce. There is no additional cost to be a member of the Women 4 Women Alliance.  Non Members may attend for $20/event.


    Annual Evolution Women’s Conference

    In 2022, more than 130 professionals, community leaders, and business owners attended our first inaugural conference. Evolution featured dynamic speakers, fun activities, and exhibitors from beauty and healthcare to business services and self-improvement.

    The Women 4 Women Alliance will host events for networking, local business spotlights and great speakers! Held 12 times per year, these events feature topics of interest to women business owners, executives, managers and other professional women eager to grow.  Once a quarter we will also conduct a fun Women 4 Women Alliance Activity such as Paint N Sip, Wine Tasting, Yoga and more. 

    Please contact Monica Schafer for information about joining the Women 4 Women Alliance

    Big Choice Brewery
    21st S First Ave
    Brighton, CO 80601
    Date/Time Information:
    Monthly, the Second Tuesday of Each Month
    Contact Information:
    Phone: (720) 706-4663
    Free for Members
    $20 for Non Members
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