• Brighton Young Professionals

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    Name: Brighton Young Professionals
    Date: January 19, 2022
    Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM MST
    Event Description:
    • The Brighton Young Professionals Group is a Greater Brighton Chamber of Commerce membership benefit. Any Chamber member (age range 21-35) in good standing has the opportunity to join the Brighton Young Professionals.  

      Brighton Young Professionals Group (BYP) is an organization for business professionals, dedicated to building a better Brighton. We are motivated, energetic and certain to become Brighton?s future leaders. We will promote and support social activities involving members of the Brighton Chamber business community. BYP offers its members a link between their personal passions and professional ambitions.

      BYPs agenda is to provide young professionals living or working in our community with the opportunity to expand their personal networks and build lasting connections within Brighton?s professional and social arenas. We are focused on professional development, community service and enjoying the local social scene.

      Mission: Our mission is Educating, connecting, and supporting the community with like-minded professionals.

    • Please contact the Brighton Chamber for information about joining the Young Professionals Committee.

      Phone: (303) 659-0223

      Email: info@brightonchamber.com

    Event Media:
    Copper Rail
     174 S Main St, Brighton, CO 80601
    Date/Time Information:
    Every 3rd Wednesday from 4pm-5pm
    Included in membership
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