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  • About Brighton

    Since 1904, Brighton has served as the permanent seat of Adams County. Brighton Colorado is a city founded on a rich history of diversity, agriculture, pioneers, railroads, and commerce.

    Today, Brighton is a teaming mosaic of old and new and recognized as one of the fastest growing cities in the US.  It is also on the leading edge with the energy industry and automation. Additionally, Brighton’s close proximity to Denver, combined with a location central to a major transportation triangle for highways, railways, and air—Denver International Airport (DIA) is the fifth busiest airport in the country—give Brighton a leg up on transportation, and positions Brighton as the perfect trifecta relocation destination for businesses and individuals or families.

    The eastern gateway to the Denver Metro area along the state designated Pollinator Highway (I-76 corridor), Brighton is officially recognized as a suburb of the Denver Metro area—about a 25 minute drive to Downtown, and less than that to DIA. Even so, Brighton has been able to maintain that small town appeal and charm that you can’t find in larger suburbs. From Brighton’s growing arts and music scene to our historic downtown with craft breweries and a karaoke bar, from beautiful Barr Lake State Park to our array of local farm experiences and great parks, we’ve got something to do for just about any age. If you haven’t looked into Brighton yet, now is the time because there’s more to Brighton Colorado than meets the eye. That’s why we say, “You don’t know what you’re missing if you just drive by!”